The trade portal offers Smartech’s trade customers access to technical documentation, drawings, the technical design catalogue, many brochures and other useful resources.
It was created to give architects, builders, installers or distributors the information they need to efficiently specify, build and use Smartech products. Our mission is to support you – from the very beginning to the handover to the end user and beyond – and provide you with an excellent customer experience along the way.
Please note, all new registrations require admin approval before access is granted.
We promise to never sell or give away your data to anyone else. It will be solely used for the purposes of this trade portal and occasional marketing communications activities such as our Smartech e-newsletter. You can easily unsubscribe at any time.
If you are experiencing any difficulties with the registration or login, please call our friendly team on (03) 9747 9233. We’re here to help.